If you are facing a lewd or lascivious exhibition charge then it is essential to have an attorney with a successful and established record in defending against sex crime charges. Jeff Dean has that record and is well known as one of the most respected and experienced defense attorneys in this area of the criminal law. Mr. Dean has won acquittals and dismissals in a wide range of these cases, and he has repeatedly saved immigrant clients charged with a sex crime from being deported.
Mr. Dean’s remarkable winning record includes:
- DISMISSALS in numerous lewd conduct and indecent exposure cases;
- DISMISSALS and NOT GUILTY verdicts in cases alleging non-consensual sexual contact;
- NOT GUILTY verdict for client charged with date rape;
- NOT GUILTY verdict in case involving sex with a minor;
- DISMISSALS of charges alleging sexual contact with a minor;
- DISMISSALS of enticing or soliciting a child for sex charges;
- DISMISSALS of child pornography charges;
- REVERSALS OF CONVICTIONS for solicitation of a child for sex charges on appeal and DISMISSALS of the solicitation charges.
For your case, Mr. Dean will develop and carry out the best possible defense strategy. He will pursue every avenue needed and strive for a win. Remember, under the law you are presumed innocent unless and until you have been convicted. Just because you have been charged with lewd or lascivious exhibition does not mean you are automatically guilty.
To protect your future, call Jeff Dean today: (305) 967-6311 or (953) 204-3633
Lewd or lascivious exhibition refers to intentionally masturbating or exposing your genitals in the presence of someone under the age of 16 years of age. The main differences between indecent exposure and lewd exhibition are the presence of a minor as well as the harshness of the penalty. You could be charged with a felony offense and left with a record as a sex offender and prison time if you are convicted of lewd or lascivious exhibition.
This is not something that you want to live with for the rest of your life. If this event occurred in person or online, if you were unaware of the age of the minor or if you had consent to do so – it is still considered a crime and sex crimes in the state of Florida are punished very strictly.
Don’t try to fight this on your own. You have the right to legal representation. Jeff Dean is an experienced Miami lewd exhibition lawyer and can help you fight these charges. Help to keep your dignity and your reputation by speaking to Jeff Dean as soon as possible.
Contact Jeff Dean today at (954) 204-3633 or (305) 967-6311.
Lewd or Lascivious Exhibition Accusation in Florida
Lewd or lascivious exhibition is defined as:
- a person who intentionally masturbates or intentionally exposes his or her genitals in a lewd and lascivious manner in the presence of a minor less than 16 years of age;
- a person who intentionally commits a sexual act which does not include sexual or physical conduct with the minor. This can include sexual simulation, sadomasochistic abuse, or sexual bestiality in the presence of a child less than 16 years old.
Lewd and lascivious exhibition can also occur over the net. In fact, many of the cases in Florida occur over the internet through chat rooms, social media and bulletin board services.
What is At Stake?
If you are over the age of 18 and charged with lewd or lascivious exhibition, then you could be charged with a second degree felony. If you are under the age of 18 at the time of the lewd or lascivious exhibition offense, then you could be charged with a third degree felony offense. Either way, you are left with the strong possibility of jail or prison time, hefty fines and a sex offense on your criminal record. To protect your rights and your future call Jeff Dean.
Contact a Florida Sex Crime Lawyer
Contact Miami lewd and lascivious exhibition attorney, Jeff Dean today at (305) 967-6311 or (953) 204-3633.