If you have been cited for prostitution or solicitation of prostitution then it is crucial that you have an experienced attorney with a proven track record of successfully handling these cases. Miami defense attorney Jeff Dean has that record and is known nationwide as one of the most experienced and respected attorneys in this area of the law.
Landmark Prostitution Case Win
Jeff won a landmark prostitution case which set a precedent for all of the United States. Jeff’s client was the target of a prostitution sting conducted by an undercover police unit. The police officer posed as a customer in a massage parlor seeking a massage from Jeff’s client. During the massage the officer had sexual contact with his client. Jeff Dean argued that the officer’s sexual misconduct with his client violated her due process rights and that the charges must be dismissed. The Court of Appeals agreed with Jeff Dean and dismissed the charges outright. This was the first time in the United States that an appellate court ruled that an officer’s sexual conduct in a prostitution sting violates due process. Jeff’s victory further enhanced his reputation as one of the most knowledgeable defense attorneys in the country. (Watch video on this page of Fox news interview with Jeff about one of his landmark prostitution wins.)
Call Jeff Dean at (305) 967-6311 or (954) 204-3633 for a free consultation.
Florida Prostitution Charge Defense Strategy
For your situation, Jeff will identify the best defense strategy and he will fight to win. If a police officer has engaged in any type of sexual contact with you, then you may be entitled to a full dismissal. Another possible strategy is that you were entrapped. If an undercover police officer, posing as either a prostitute or a patron, entices you to do something that you were not predisposed to do, then you have been entrapped, and you are entitled to an outright dismissal of the charges.
Yet another defense is that you did not have the specific intent to exchange sex for money, either as the patron or the alleged prostitute. The state is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you specifically agreed to exchange money for sex. If your intentions were vague, then you must be found not guilty.
Even if the above defenses do not apply directly to your situation, there are many case dispositions that Miami defense attorney Jeff Dean might be able to employ to keep your record clean and keep you out of jail.
Consequences of a Solicitation of Prostitution Conviction
The consequences of a solicitation of prostitution charge can be severe. You could be facing extensive jail time, large fines, lengthy probation and restrictions on your liberties, forfeiture of your vehicle, as well as the collateral consequences of public embarrassment and employment difficulties.
Call Miami and Fort Lauderdale Prostitution Defense Lawyer Jeff Dean
Jeff Dean has repeatedly won dismissals of prostitution charges and he has time and time again saved immigrants from the immigration consequences of a prostitution charge.
To protect your rights and your future call Jeff Dean at (305) 967-6311 or (954) 204-3633 for a free consultation.